What Are the Benefits?


Public facilities with lots of traffic are especially good for Titania treatment.

Titania is effective against odors caused by perspiration, smoking, garbage, food and pets. Titania also prevents contamination from spreading to others making it perfect for:





COmmercial Offices

Sports Facilities and Equipment

Automotive and Marine

Spa Facilities

Residential Homes

and more

Want to Know How it Works and Why We Are So Excited about its benefits

Titania doesn’t mask or cover odor like other cleaners, it actually deconstructs it on a chemical level. 

Once Titania is applied, as the moisture evaporates from the mixture, the remaining Titania compounds “link up” to form an interconnected, dense web of nanoparticles from .05-.5 micrometers. In comparison, the average human hair is 80 micrometers. This nanomaterial ensures the coating will not negatively affect the appearance of any treated surface. The texture, look and pliability are not changed at all. Since there is no typical coating used, there is never any discoloration or pealing over time.

The next step is what truly separates Titania from every other protective coating on the market!

Once treated, any surface becomes active, preventing damage caused by bacteria or corrosive materials that would otherwise attach to surfaces. Whenever Titania is exposed to oxygen and moisture in the air, (as opposed to only Ultraviolet light) it creates activated hydroxyl (OH) radicals that form on the surface.

These activated radicals are the reason Titania is a self-sanitizing coating. The OH-particles actually pull harmful contaminants out of the air and reorganize their molecular structure, turning them into harmless compounds such as carbon dioxide (Co²) and water (H²O).

The Result:

Titania is effective against a number of harmful
Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) such as:

Ethyl Benzene





Nitric and Sulfuric acids

By the way, Titania cuts down on
cleaning time and costs too!

Titania works to reduce cleaning time and costs by preventing any permanent surface staining but also makes clean up faster and easier using far less cleaning supplies. Titania is the barrier between the materials you want to keep clean and the harmful compounds which lead to contamination and staining. Since Titania stops odor and grime from building up on the surface, any contamination is easily washed away!

What about application time?

Because Titania offers safe protection against harmful contaminants without leaving behind a filmy residue there is no need to tape off or mask any surfaces prior to application. Quick application offers hardly, if any, downtime in business operations and because there are no hazardous gases or chemicals being used, guests and others in the area will not be effected during the one hour drying time.

contact us today
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Orange, CA 92868


(714) 905-4659

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